Best Tours In Chisinau Moldova

Rusakova Nana
2 min readAug 17, 2021


Planning to spend some time in Moldova?

In recent years Moldova has become increasingly popular with tourists making it a new hot destination within Eastern Europe. But what is there to see in Moldova?

Chisinau is the capital city of Moldova and although not a huge city there are many activities to keep you busy, I would always suggest taking one of the many local private walking tours in Moldova if you get the chance as they are one of the best ways to see the sites, you also get the time to spend with a local and see the city through the eyes of a local with their view on life and culture in Moldova.

Here are just a few attractions you should try not to miss:

Stephen the Great Monument

Located in Ştefan cel Mare Central Park, Stephen the Great (Ştefan cel Mare in Romanian) is a Romanian national hero and medieval ruler who controlled parts of modern-day Romanian and Moldova. When Romania took control of Moldova in the early twentieth century, they replaced the statue of the Russian Czar, Alexander II, with Stephen the Great to celebrate Moldova’s ethnic Romanian roots and to emphasize the two nations mutual past. The monument is a popular spot to visit with many tourists; it is also just outside the main park.

Ştefan cel Mare Central Park

This beautiful park (formerly named Pushkin Park) is a popular spot for locals to meet up, earning it the nickname the “the park of the lovers.” It’s also a great spot for backpackers to come and hang out for a bit since the park has free wifi. If you love fountains, you definitely need to come by, since the park has four, as well as pavilions, places for children to play, and a merry-go-round. You will also find plenty of food vendors throughout the park , so relax, take a stroll through the park and grab a bite to eat on the way.

As the city is fairly small walking around the city independently is easy enough though it is always a good idea to take one of the many walking tours in Chisinau with a local , these are inexpensive and last for 3/4 hours, expect to pay $40/$60 for a walking tours, some tour operators offer full day walking tours which will include a traditional Moldovan lunch.

Enjoy Moldova.

